Regional Independent Autonomy Problems
Indonesia has roughly 300 ethnic groups. Since it gained its independence, Indonesia's national policy has been "unity in diversity." Previous governments maintained this by using strong-arm tactics. However, the democratization and liberalization of political movements undertaken by the present government have activated movements for ethnic self-government in the regions.
The East Timor and Aceh regions have been particularly problematic. These regions have had problems since the country was unified. Negotiations on the East Timor problem started at the UN shortly after the Habibie government came to power. In March 1999, the parties involved agreed to allow the residents to decide by direct ballot whether to have self-government or independence. However, because there is deep-rooted hostility between those for and those against independence, there are fears that the direct ballot or independence could lead to a worsening of the strife.
In addition to the ethnic and religious problems, the problem of distribution of wealth, or in other words exploitation by the central government, is behind the regional separatist movements. Under the present system, the central government collects income from each of the regions and redistributes it to them. States that have an abundance of natural resources such as oil and timber feel that they are being exploited by the central government. They also feel that the development of these resources is being monopolized by investors with strong ties to the central government.
Suppressing the separatist and autonomy movements by force would be difficult, so the government has little choice but to cope with them by expanding regional autonomy. A special session of the People's Assembly called to address this problem approved the advancement of regional decentralization, and a regional autonomy bill that would expand regional autonomy and provide a fair distribution of wealth is being considered by the House of Representatives. In addition, a draft of the Oil and Gas Law that would revise the distribution of oil and gas revenues between the regions and the central government is also being considered.
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Regional: kedaerahan
Ethnic: kesukuan,suku bangsa
Tactics: siasat, cara
Region: daerah, wilayah
Strife: berusaha,bekerja keras
Wealth: kekayaan
Timber: kayu
Resource: sumber penghasilan
Separatist: memisahkan diri
Advancement: kemajuan
                Answer the essay question below
1.       How many ethnics that Indonesia has?
2.       What tactic was the previous government used?
3.       When was the parties agreed to decided their self government/independence?
4.       What is the additional problem faced by ethnic and religion? Mention it.

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