Further Growth of Indonesian Organizations
Despite the political restrictions, on July 3, 1922 Ki Hajar Dewantoro founded Taman Siswa, an organization to promote national education.
In 1924 the Indonesian Students Association, "Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Indonesia," was formed by Drs. Mohammad Hatta, Dr. Sukiman and others. This organization became a driving force of the nationalist movement to gain independence.
The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) staged revolts against the colonial government in November 1926 in West Java, and in January 1927 in West Sumatra. After their suppression the Government exiled many non-communist nationalist leaders to Tanah Merah, which the Dutch called "Boven Digul" in Irian Jaya. Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo was exiled to Bandaneira.
In February 1927 Mohammad Hatta, Achmad Soebardjo and other members of Indonesia's Movements attended the first international convention of the "League Against Imperialism and Colonial Oppression" in Brussels, together with Jawaharlal Nehru and many other prominent nationalist leaders from Asia and Africa.
In July 1927, Soekarno, Sartono and others formed the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI), which adopted Bahasa Indonesia as the official language. This party adopted a militant policy of non-cooperation with the Government as the result of a fundamental conflict of interest between Indonesian nationalism and Dutch colonialism.
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Vocabularies list
Further: lebih lanjut
Organization: organisasi
Restriction: pembatasan
Promote: memajukan,
Movement: pergerakan

Colonial: penjajahan, kolonial

Exile: pengasingan

Convention: rapat, perjanjian

Prominent: terkemuka

Fundamental: pokok, asas
Give (T) if the opinion is true, and (F) is the opinion is false
1.       Ki Hajar Dewantara founded Taman Siswa on July, 3, 1992
2.       Indonesian student association was formed by Drs. Mohammad Hatta himself
3.       In November 1926 PKI revolts against the colonial government
4.    1n 1927 Sukarno and the others formed adopted Bahasa Indonesia as the official  language

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